
Nineteen eighty-four 1984 john hurt
Nineteen eighty-four 1984 john hurt

nineteen eighty-four 1984 john hurt

His language is tempered, his thoughts are monitored, news and history is altered and every waking act is under strict observation. The manipulation of everyday aspects of life in Orwell’s world are absolute and frightening. Although it was primarily a political novel, charged with darkly twisted remarks on communism at the beginning of the cold war era, it is the element of control held over Winston by the ruling powers that spoke loudest to me when I first read the novel. One of the most striking things about the book is that it was written in 1949. A world where even the thoughts of men can be controlled and manipulated. Against the backdrop of a never ending war, and constant observation from the duplicitous citizens who inhabit Winston’s world, he searches for humanity where it appears to have been lost. The story follows the central character of Winston, who toils to survive in a world overshadowed by Big Brother, a construction of the ruling elite. George Orwell’s ‘1984’ is a widely regarded as one of the most influential works of dystopian fiction. “You have endeavoured to open the gates of Hell to millions of people who are only recovering from two diabolical wars and who are peacefully seeking a tranquil mind.” Now that’s a review! The BBC also managed to get the title right.Nineteen Eighty-Four – The Book vs The Film “If the play Nineteen Eighty-Four is intellectual thank God I have no brains,” Mr Challacombe of Torquay wrote to the BBC. Peter Cushing was notably frail as Winston in a version that pushed the boundaries of contemporary telly. Remember, of course, that the book was just eight years old and was some way from being the classic it is today. Written by Nigel Kneale, the brain behind the great Quatermass series, the BBC’s live adaptation from 1954 caused genuine consternation in the country. The most successful screen take still retains a semi-legendary status among students of British TV.

nineteen eighty-four 1984 john hurt

(Gad, I imagine a few cocktails were had on that set.) Neither really found a cinematic language to communicate Orwell’s singular sense of dread and hopelessness. I n the year that gave the book its name, Michael Radford delivered a perfunctory version featuring John Hurt as poor Winston Smith and an ailing Richard Burton as evil O’Brien. Michael Anderson’s 1956 adaptation, starring Edmund O’Brien and Michael Redgrave, fell into legal hell in the 1970s and was not available for many years. There have been only two formal theatrical version.


But nobody has quite cracked the real thing for the cinema. James McTeigh’s curiously cult-friendly V for Vendetta - adapted, of course, from a dense Alan Moore work - also shows the influence of Oceania. Terry Gilliam’s Brazil looks like an unofficial adaptation of the book. The influence of Nineteen Eighty-Four has been strong on film. If the film does happen it doesn’t sound as if we’ll see it for about four years or so. James Graham has been entrusted with Orwell’s book and asked to write something usable for old Mr Shakey-Cam. It was reported a few weeks earlier that - following those Jeremy Renner misunderstandings - he will be teaming up with Matt Damon for another Bourne film. Greengrass looks to be keeping himself busy. Anyway, our friends as Deadline tell us that Paul Greengrass is set to direct an adaptation of George Orwell’s great warning to the world.

nineteen eighty-four 1984 john hurt

Have we got that clear? Then let’s move on. The novel is called “Nineteen Eighty-Four”.

Nineteen eighty-four 1984 john hurt